Thursday, October 29, 2009

America...industrial giant behind the times...

Why don't we have these in America yet?


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

America vs. Japan! Battle!

I spend some time looking at Asian porn online. The reason for this is 1) I'm curious and 2) I wanna see how my body stacks up to other Asian chicks. Ok, the second reason is total body image issues/ego. Not good ego, either. If there is good ego. Here are my thoughts on Asian porn. Asian-American porn girls suck. They are not pretty at all. They are pretty by white boy standards because a lot of white people think Asians all look alike. (A lot don't.) But the Asian chicks are really not attractive at all. They are really super ghetto actually. However, the guys are ok. Usually they use white/black guys that are ok. If you want REALLY super pretty girls, you look at REAL Asian porn made by Japanese companies. Oh my freakin' gosh! These girls are SOO amazing. They are literally model quality and not super lanky, skinny model types. They are gorgeous, beautiful, perfect skin, flawless, super young looking! I don't know what they are doing in Asia, but these girls are soo beautiful, I'm wondering why they are even in the business?! However, the guys in real Asian porn are disgusting. They are all fat, old-looking Japanese businessmen with really hairy bush. It's pretty nasty. Southeast Asian porn is really really dirty, but the girls are not that hot, and I feel sick/guilty when I look at it because it looks so illegal, like it's run by the Mafia or something and the girls literally look like sex slaves. So, even though it's really hot. I know that even clicking on the webpage, I'm supporting some sort of human or drug trafficking. Please try not to support it. It looks really illegal and inhumane. I know in America, it's hard for us to think of human "slavery" and you may try to justify it, like "Oh, they're adults, they know what they're doing." That may be true in the States, but overseas, you really never know. It's shady as to make the perfect porn? Use American male pornstars and import hot Asian babes! You don't know what you're missing, if you haven't seen these Japanese hotties!! These are my thoughts on this. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What's up funk-a-delic?!

A lot of you know that I took a transformational training over the past 5 months. It was totally amazing, exactly what I had been looking for in my life! It was very positive thought/the "secret" type stuff. I have been in therapy for about...I can't even remember...maybe 3 years? Maybe 4? Not sure. Anyways, the progress that I made in the trainings really was accelerated versus traditional therapy. My therapist described it as "cognitive re-structuring." I don't know what it is, but it worked. Well, now that I have ALL these tools to apply towards my life, it's a little overwhelming. I'm like, "Oh crap, you mean I can't blame people anymore for shit that goes wrong?" Here's the thing, the reason most of us do all these unhealthy things like avoiding, shutting down, blaming others, etc etc etc is because there is a payoff. Sometimes, even though you know it's not healthy, it's just plain easier to blame the World for your problems instead of taking responsibility. So, now that I have the knowledge of responsibility, it's kind of hard to go back. Not that I was so crazy/wild/irresponsible before or anything, but now that I really know better...well, it's kind of like "seeing the light." I'm not sure of the exact story, but there is some metaphor or old tale about how this person is turned around looking at shadows on the wall their whole life and how their perception is all scary and then finally someone turns them around and they "see the light"/fire and then when you turn them back around, even if they never look at the light again, their perception of the shadows is different forever. Ok, that was a ramble, but that's what it is like. Now that I know what I have been doing in my life that wasn't working, it's really hard to go back to living that way of life. However, I haven't exactly figured out all this love/positive/responsibility life stuff yet completely. So, I'm in this limbo funk. It's not a fun place to be sometimes. I feel like I have several life purposes, but when the day doesn't always seem to be aligned with your life purpose, that's kind of weird too. Like, how come I'm not making a million bucks doing stand up? Don't answer that. I know the reasons, but you get my drift. If I'm taking responsibility for my life and the universe is supposed to align and all this stuff? Well? I don't get it! And then there's that idea that if you do what you love, then you don't need money to make you happy, and then don't get me started on all this abundance thought process stuff. That's a whole other cluster fuck. If you're living abundantly, then you have enough already, which I agree with. I have everything I need. I have a boyfriend who loves me, an amazing family, a great career, I have a place to live, food, two AMAZING pets. I get it! I get it! If this is true, then why the fuck do I want to make more money? Am I brainwashed by the media? I have everything I want, I feel fulfilled, yet...why? Why? Why? Ahh!!! I know, I'm not living in true abundance because I want more and that's ego and ego is bad and...ugh. Geez I'm so exhausted even thinking about it. Evil things like greed and want and desire are really powerful. Yea, sometimes I want a really nice car and a big mansion and a maid! Is that so bad and greedy? Why is it bad to have all these extravagant desires? So, that's the struggle I go through everyday. I know I have the most amazing life ever. I really do. But sometimes I play the lottery, and sometimes I want to be a millionaire and sit on my butt. And then sometimes I know that it's all big corporate marketing because I know people that are really rich and drive really nice cars and are really really successful in entertainment and they do a bunch of drugs and they're really empty and sad inside, and I know I don't want that. The nice cars aren't making them happy. They want what I have. They would kill to have a boyfriend that brings them flowers and takes them to Disneyland. They are so lonely! So I should be grateful, and I am, but then why do I want what they have, too? I don't want to switch. I don't want money and emptiness. I just want what I have now and a little more money. Universe? Can you just send me a couple more thousand bucks a month? That's really all I want. But why do I want the money? See, this blog could keep going on and on in circles. It just don't make a bit of sense, do it?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oxnard Comedy

Hey Guys! I have a show tomorrow night in Oxnard! 9PM...Come out and support, please!

Myspace Blogger is Dead

Well, it's official. I've gotten sick of updating my blog on, and well, myspace's blogger is, I've taken the leap to blogspot. I know, I'm a few years behind, but the myspace blog was serving me so well. Then, all of a sudden, it crapped out. I think it's not compatible with safari or something because it shows up when I use firefox, but I am so used to safari, and when I use safari the blog doesn't even show up on the screen. Screw you, myspace! I don't know what happened to myspace? It just suddenly got really really slow and crappy? I don't know if facebook stole all of their IT guys or something? But the technology on myspace is horrible. It's always frozen! Anyways, this is my new blog! So, please check here from now on. I will be updating frequently, since you KNOW how much I love to blog.